• United States of America
  • September 30, 2007

Back at the Barnyard

Animal Farmers

Season 1 Episode 14

Otis is excited because favorite country music star – Stumpity Joe – is coming to town. However, when trying to speed up crop collecting for the farmer to leave, he accidentally injures the farmer. Now, the animals must do all of the farming, or else the farm can go bankrupt. But several things had gone wrong because the animals aren't accurate farmers themselves. Otis milks himself wrinkly with the milk machine, Bessy and Abby refuse to use the milk machine on themselves, Pig eats all of the corn they picked (making him very fat), and Freddy goofs with the energy drink for the hens by putting dynamite in it, which he claims it is pepper, making the eggs the hens lay explode on contact.

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