• Japan
  • April 02, 2016

Ace Attorney

Farewell, My Turnabout — Last Trial

Season 1 Episode 24

De Killer claims that Adrian is his client, but exposes his lie when he wrongly assumes her to be a man. Just as de Killer adjusts his testimony and Engarde is about to be declared innocent, Franziska arrives with the video disk Gumshoe had picked up, containing footage of de Killer killing Corrida. Turning his thinking around, Phoenix shows the video to de Killer, revealing that Engarde had been planning to use it to blackmail him. Realizing he has been betrayed, de Killer cancels his contract with Engarde, choosing him as his next target, and releases Maya. Terrified for his own safety, Engarde is forced to confess his guilt. After the trial, as Franziska is baffled over Phoenix being happy with a guilty verdict, Edgeworth states that his battles with Phoenix have taught him that trust between attorneys and prosecutors is necessary in order to find the truth. As Maya is reunited with Phoenix, Edgeworth sees Franziska off at the airport.

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