• United States of America
  • April 20, 1998

The Challenge

Hot and Bothered

Season 6 Episode 19

Battle of the Sexes Reunion that featured- Genesis from Real World Boston Ellen + Blair from Road Rules The Quest Melissa + Jamie from Real World New Orleans Lori from Real World Back 2 New York Mark from Road Rules 1 Shane from Road Rules Campus Crawl Antoine from Road Rules Europe Veronica from Road Rules Semester at Sea Colin + Ruthie from Real World Hawaii Highlights include- *Guys had naked water sking *Veronica and Eric made out *Ellen believed the mission weren't fair *Veronica claimed nothing ever happened between her and James *Ruthie appologized to Veronica for the time she voted her off, Ruthie regrets it. *Veronica tells Ellen and Ruthie that she has no hard feelings. Jonny gives the girls one last chance. Both sexes pick one person to compete. They choose Veronica against Antoine. The competition is one of those knock-em sock-em games where you press the button as fast as you can to knock the opponents head off.

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