• United States of America
  • September 27, 1962

The Beverly Hillbillies

Clampett Castle

Season 6 Episode 3

The Clampetts arrive at their Castle & meet John Faversham who introduces himself as major domo (major domocile) Faversham. The Clampetts think his name is Major Domo & when he tries to correct them saying Faversham, they think that faversham is an English greeting for howdy.! Jethro is keen to go hunt dragons & Granny wants to doctor Jed's cousin. Faversham tells her he's no longer with us,he was taken by major peritonitis. Granny doesn't trust army doctors.! Jed's cousin's old english sheep dog is on the bed with the curtains drawn. Granny thinks he's shy, She doctors him through the closed curtains thinking the dog is Jed's cousin. Later Granny sees the dog on the bed eating a bone & thinks the dog 'et' Jed's cousin.!! Jed & Granny bury the bones in the backyard.

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