• United States of America
  • September 06, 2001

The Amazing Race

Do You Like American Candy?

Season 13 Episode 2

The ten remaining teams take off from their Pit Stop in a seventh century fortress in Salvador, Brazil and receive a clue instructing them to fly to Fortaleza, Brazil. Tensions erupt when one team feels they secured an early flight for all teams and seeks a small compensation in return. Once in Fortaleza, the teams receive a clue instructing them to travel to a beach known as Barraca d Manoel. Here, a Detour choice allows one team to set itself apart from the pack by providing a task suited to their skills. Later, a Roadblock requires searching for a clue hidden in plain sight. While some find the clue almost right away, others waste time searching for non-existent leads in distracting advertising information. One team twice makes time-wasting clue-reading mistakes, but ultimately another team is eliminated.

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