• United States of America
  • September 17, 2002


Turf Wars

Season 1 Episode 9

The unannounced arrival of Jacob and Nonny Hoffman (Mark Rydell, Doris Belack) from New York is greeted with glee by Delia and Ephram. But Andy feels pressed to his limits as he tries to placate his overbearing guests, particularly his pushy father-in-law, who openly criticizes the physician's parenting skills. On top of that, Jacob obviously enjoys a special bond with Ephram that Andy can't duplicate. Meanwhile, Nonny makes her own impression in Everwood when she butts heads with Edna over Delia's affections. Lastly, Ephram sneaks out of the house to see Amy who is still emotionally recovering from the aftermath of Colin's (Mike Erwin) surgery.

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