• United States of America
  • September 30, 2007

Back at the Barnyard

Cow's Night Out

Season 1 Episode 19

This week's Moose Appreciation Week, so Otis disguises himself as a moose so he can get positive attention from humans, but his plan goes awry because the week is over and now the Moose HUNTING SEASON starts today and now Snotty Boy and his friends are trying to hunt him down, and his antlers are stuck to his head. So the animals rigged a robotic moose to scare Snotty Boy away from Otis. But Snotty Boy accidentally goes out on a busy road. So Otis has to save him from being hit by a car. Because of his heroism, the county now bans Moose Hunting Season and makes it Moose Appreciation Week all year long.

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